
Energy Healing 101: What is Energy Healing?

Energy Healing 101: What is Energy Healing?

Energy healing is an ancient form of alternative medicine that has been rapidly gaining recognition in the modern world throughout the past few years. Based on the belief that all...

Energy Healing 101: What is Energy Healing?

Energy healing is an ancient form of alternative medicine that has been rapidly gaining recognition in the modern world throughout the past few years. Based on the belief that all...

5 Ways to Charge Healing Crystals

5 Ways to Charge Healing Crystals

Everything is alive; everything has energy. This applies to crystals too! Just like humans, the energy level of crystals can fluctuate. You know when you don’t eat for a while...

5 Ways to Charge Healing Crystals

Everything is alive; everything has energy. This applies to crystals too! Just like humans, the energy level of crystals can fluctuate. You know when you don’t eat for a while...

5 Ways to Use Healing Crystals

5 Ways to Use Healing Crystals

Energy is everywhere and everything, and crystals are no exception. You’ve probably heard people talk about frequency, vibrations and wave lengths. You know, everyone is always “sending good vibes.” These...

5 Ways to Use Healing Crystals

Energy is everywhere and everything, and crystals are no exception. You’ve probably heard people talk about frequency, vibrations and wave lengths. You know, everyone is always “sending good vibes.” These...

Crystal Candles for Aromatherapy

Crystal Candles for Aromatherapy

Ahh, the smell of a freshly lit candle. What is it about those soothing scents that makes us just stop, pause and breathe for a bit? It’s like hitting a...

Crystal Candles for Aromatherapy

Ahh, the smell of a freshly lit candle. What is it about those soothing scents that makes us just stop, pause and breathe for a bit? It’s like hitting a...

Top 7 Essential Oils for Healing Benefits

Top 7 Essential Oils for Healing Benefits

Ever wondered why essential oils are considered to be an "essential" product? They're very simply an important commodity for certain people; a requirement they need for daily purposes. Thousands of...

Top 7 Essential Oils for Healing Benefits

Ever wondered why essential oils are considered to be an "essential" product? They're very simply an important commodity for certain people; a requirement they need for daily purposes. Thousands of...